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The Re/Man Initiative - Mentorship Call

A ZOOM based conference call focused on building resurrected men in the image of Jesus


This call will be hosted on ZOOM and will be a open-format call, meaning that the agenda is based around the needs and questions of the men attending the call.

This call will last 60-80 minutes depending upon the topics of discussion on that particular day.


Those who regularly attend the calls will be given passages of scriptures each week to read, meditate and journal thoughts on. There will be days when each man will be asked to share his journaling on these passages with other men on the call so be prepared to do so, Wallflowers will be tolerated but constantly encourage to engage.


The Q&A segments of the call will be recorded and may be used at a later date as content for a refreshed version of the ReMan Podcast.

If for some reason, you do not wanted your question to be used to help other men with the same challenges, you can preface the question with this or you can remain anonymous.


Questions can be submitted prior to call using the form on the Re/Man podcast website  Using the contact tab.


This call will have a calendar associated with in that will be located here on the Website.


Calls will be held in 6-8 week segments with regular breaks in-between segments and breaks around the Holiday schedules.


Since, I work a day job and can occasionally be called away on business, the call schedule is subject to my work and family schedule.


What’s Expected of those who attend

  1. You apply for access to the call

    • Not just anyone can attend these calls. I need to know who you are and why you are attending the call. Application for the call is done through the same contact tab on the website. You will tell me who you are, a brief bio of your family life (married, divorced, kids, etc) and your perceived state of relationship with Jesus. I say perceived because sometimes we aren’t where we think we are and this is something we will address in the calls. Also, this is a SAFE place for men who are not Followers of Jesus to explore the Gospel’s claims. 

    • Once you have applied, I will contact you for a personal phone call to get to know you and your expectations better.

  1. You agree to a code of conduct

    • In order for this to be a place where men can grow and be mentored in their faith, there needs to be a “what happens here stays here” mentality, with the exception of certain questions which the original asker agrees to allow the discussion to be shared. So, treat this call and the men on this call with great honor.

    • Any man who says anything that is deemed by me as abusive will be dropped from the call and banned. I simply will not tolerate fools.

    • You Come, Humble, Hungry and in Honor, meaning you don’t come in with a ego that needs to be stroked or defended, you come with a teachable spirit, ready to learn and be trained and you conduct yourself in a manner that honors Christ and Honors your brothers.


What does it COST to be a part of this call?

Great question, I am glad you asked.  

Nothing except your time and commitment!

That’s right, I will not charge a man to learn from me what Jesus and those who he has used to train me, gave freely. 


The Re/Man initiative does have monthly expenses. 


When I was a leader in the Dad’s Edge Alliance, ALL the payments I received for my services were used to fund this work. Not a single penny was ever spent on me or my family.

For the past 18 months the expenses for the Re/Man initiative have been covered by the funds that were held in an account dedicated to paying the monthly expenses of this work.

These funds are near their end, SO any man who is a part of this call and wishes to give to help maintain the monthly costs of this work, is free to do so. 


If God moves upon your heart to give, then give the amount that he directs you to give. We trust our King to meet all the needs here so we can continue to speak into men’s lives as he directs and the funds will ALWAYS be used for the Kingdom of God.


The Re/Man Initiative is NOT a 5013c Non-for Profit, yet.

We are still an LLC at this point, so if you are worried about not getting a tax credit for your giving,  don’t give.


Giving can be done using PayPal or we will set up a Venmo account for Re/Man and provide a QR code.


What will a typical call structure look like?

  • We will open each call with prayer.

  • There will be an accountability piece at the beginning of each call to see where regular attendees are regarding their engagement with certain spiritual formation practices given for the previous week.

  • Depending on the day and the attendance, we will break away into small groups for 30 minutes to share our thoughts and journaling of the previous weeks scripture reading.

  • The remaining time of the call once we have reconvened in the large group, will be devoted to answering questions perhaps generated in the small groups or questions that have been submitted on the Website.


Q&A sessions will be a regular part of a normal call structure, however there will be weeks where the entire call other than the opening with prayer and the accountability peace may be devoted as an all Q&A call.

There will also be regular times where some men will be asked to share a portion or thoughts from their journaling the previous week with the entire group.


The Re/Man Initiative - Mentorship Call

Will not be concerned with building GOOD men, we build resurrected men, who are learning to be a part of God’s New Creation in Christ and are having their identity firmly founded in God’s Word and His Mission, which he is doing in and through Jesus and those who are devoted to Jesus.


If this is something you would like to be a part of, please take the time to apply.


One final Note, membership is limited. It has to be, because it would be near impossible to serve a really large group of men on a call like this.

For this reason, membership on this call is limited to 30 men per call time.



The Information that you provided is never SOLD or shared with anyone.
We use this only as a way to connect with you.

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